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  1. #1
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    zillo gelöschter User
    Hallöchen habe wieder mal ein script komme aber ne weiter das script heißt:
    "rsstohtml" wenn einer seine rss adresse eigibt sollte ein script code erscheinen den er auf seine webseite einbauen kann. Aber nun zu mein Problem wenn ich Jetzt alles fertig habe kommt unten ein fehler könnt ihr mir weiter helfen?

    Hier die index.php

     * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Anthony K Rogers	*
     * This file is part of RSSread. It gives an example of		*
     * implementing RSSread using both methods			*
     * version 1.2							*
     * copyright 2006						*
    <title>rssRead Test Page</title>
    <style type="text/css">
     div.form{ text-align: center; }
     div.line{ padding: 2px 0px 3px 0px; }
     div.line div{ display: inline;}
     div.line div textarea{ vertical-align: text-top; }
    <script type="text/javascript">
     /* Javascript for the form */
    var exampleConfig = new Array();
    //Roganty's RSS feed - the one codded in the script
    exampleConfig[0] = new Array();
    exampleConfig[0][0] = ""; //rssFeed
    exampleConfig[0][1] = 3; //numPosts
    exampleConfig[0][2] = "s"; //whichOne
    exampleConfig[0][3] = 3; //num[Sentences|Words|Chars]
    exampleConfig[0][4] = false; //stripLinks
    exampleConfig[0][5] = "_blank"; //postLinkTarget
    exampleConfig[0][6] = "<b>[title]<\/b>\r\n<p>[post]\r\n<font class=\"LinkReadMore\">[[link,target=_blank]read more[/link]]<\/font><\/p>\r\n"; //outputFormat
    exampleConfig[0][7] = "<hr width=\"65%\" />"; //joinOutputBy
    //BBC UK News RSS feed
    exampleConfig[1] = new Array();
    exampleConfig[1][0] = ""; //rssFeed
    exampleConfig[1][1] = 5; //numPosts
    exampleConfig[1][2] = "n"; //whichOne
    exampleConfig[1][3] = -1; //num[Sentences|Words|Chars]
    exampleConfig[1][4] = true; //stripLinks
    exampleConfig[1][5] = "_blank"; //postLinkTarget
    exampleConfig[1][6] = "<div class=\"rssfeed\">[link,target=_blank][title][/link]\r\n<br />[post]<\/div>\r\n"; //outputFormat
    exampleConfig[1][7] = "<hr width=\"65%\" />"; //joinOutputBy
    function populateForm(whichEg){
     var egNum = ( whichEg == "roganty" ) ? 0 : 1; //roganty or bbc
     //alert(whichEg +":"+ egNum);
     for( var i = 1; i <= 7; i++ ){
      //loop through the thingy adding the data to the appropriate form element
      var elementType = document.confForm.elements[i].type;
      var elementName = document.confForm.elements[i].name;
      if( elementType == "select-one" ){
       if( elementName == "whichone" ){
        switch( exampleConfig[egNum][2] ){
         case "s" : document.confForm.elements[i].options[0].selected = true; break;
         case "w" : document.confForm.elements[i].options[1].selected = true; break;
         case "c" : document.confForm.elements[i].options[2].selected = true; break;
         case "n" : document.confForm.elements[i].options[3].selected = true; break;
       if( elementName == "striplinks" ){
        if( exampleConfig[egNum][4] ) document.confForm.elements[i].options[0].selected = true;
        if(! exampleConfig[egNum][4] ) document.confForm.elements[i].options[1].selected = true;
      if( elementType == "text" || elementType == "textarea" ){
       document.confForm.elements[i].value = exampleConfig[egNum][i - 1];
     //now we need to submit the form
    /* This is where we configure the output
    //Configure? true or false
    $configure = ( isset($_POST["configure"]) ) ? $_POST["configure"]: false;
    $arrForm = array(); //array used for the form values
    //Call the class
    $RSSread = new RSSread($configure);
    /* If we didn't want the script to be configured we would type:
     * $RSSread = new RSSread(); -or-
     * $RSSread = new RSSread(false);
     * But if we did want to configure the script, type:
     * $RSSread = new RSSread(true);
    if( $configure ){
     /* If true get the variables from the $_POST variable
      * This will be used for both setting the values in
      * the form and for configuring the script output
     $RSSconf = array(); //The array used to configure the output
     $arrForm[0] = $_POST["rssfeed"];
     $arrForm[1] = $_POST["numposts"];
     $arrForm[2] = $_POST["whichone"];
     $arrForm[3] = $_POST["numlength"];
     $arrForm[4] = $_POST["striplinks"];
     $arrForm[5] = $_POST["postlinktarget"];
     $RSSconf["outputFormat"] = $_POST["outputformat"]; //script output variable
     $arrForm[6] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST["outputformat"]));
     $RSSconf["joinOutputBy"] = $_POST["joinoutputby"]; //script output variable
     $arrForm[7] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST["joinoutputby"]));
    if(! $configure ){
     /* If false grab the variables from the sript
      * This is used in displaying the appropriate
      * values in the form
     $arrForm[0] = $RSSread->rssFeed;
     $arrForm[1] = $RSSread->numPosts;
     $arrForm[2] = $RSSread->whichOne;
     switch( $arrForm[2] ){
      case "s" : $arrForm[3] = $RSSread->numSentences; break;
      case "w" : $arrForm[3] = $RSSread->numWords; break;
      case "c" : $arrForm[3] = $RSSread->numChars; break;
      case "n" : $arrForm[3] = -1; break;
     $arrForm[4] = ( $RSSread->stripLinks ) ? "y" : "n";
     $arrForm[5] = $RSSread->postLinkTarget;
     $arrForm[6] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($RSSread->outputFormat));
     $arrForm[7] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($RSSread->joinOutputBy));
    if( $configure ){
     //This is where we configure the script output
     $RSSconf["rssFeed"] = $arrForm[0];
     $RSSconf["numPosts"] = $arrForm[1];
     $RSSconf["whichOne"] = $arrForm[2];
     $RSSconf["postLinkTarget"] = $arrForm[5];
     //which variable to change?
     switch( $arrForm[2] ){
      case "s" : $RSSconf["numSentences"] = $arrForm[3]; break;
      case "w" : $RSSconf["numWords"] = $arrForm[3]; break;
      case "c" : $RSSconf["numChars"] = $arrForm[3]; break;
     $RSSconf["stripLinks"] = ( $arrForm[4] == "y" ) ? true : false;
     /* This is where we call the ScriptConfig function
      * passing it the array we have just built up
      * from the variables posted from the form
    /* The rest of the page below is just HTML
     * code and PHP code setting the form values
    <div id="main">
    <div id="mainTitle" style="text-align: center"><h1>rssRead<?=" v". $RSSread->RSSreadVersion; ?> Test Page</h1></div>
    <hr width="80%" />
    <div id="configTitle" style="text-align: center"><b>rssRead Configuration</b></div>
    <hr width="50%" />
    <div class="form">
    <form name="confForm" action="index.php" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="configure" value="true" />
    <div class="line" style="background-color: #cccccc">
    <div>The RSS Feed URL:<input type="text" size="35" name="rssfeed" value="<?=$arrForm[0]; ?>" /></div>
    <div>Number of posts to display:<input type="text" size="5" name="numposts" value="<?=$arrForm[1]; ?>" /></div>
    </div><div class="line" style="background-color: #999999">
    <div>How to shorten the posts:<select name="whichone">
    <option value="s"<?=( $arrForm[2] == "s" ) ? " selected=\"true\"" : "";?>>By Sentences</option>
    <option value="w"<?=( $arrForm[2] == "w" ) ? " selected=\"true\"" : "";?>>By Words</option>
    <option value="c"<?=( $arrForm[2] == "c" ) ? " selected=\"true\"" : "";?>>By Characters</option>
    <option value="n"<?=( $arrForm[2] == "n" ) ? " selected=\"true\"" : "";?>>No Shortening</option>
    <div>Number of Sentences/Words/Characters to shorten to:<input type="text" size="5" name="numlength" value="<?=$arrForm[3]; ?>" /></div>
    </div><div class="line" style="background-color: #cccccc">
    <div>Remove links from RSS:<select name="striplinks">
    <option value="y"<?=( $arrForm[4] == "y" ) ? " selected=\"true\"" : "";?>>Yes</option>
    <option value="n"<?=( $arrForm[4] == "n" ) ? " selected=\"true\"" : "";?>>No</option>
    <div>Target to open RSS post links in:<input type="text" size="25" name="postlinktarget" value="<?=$arrForm[5]; ?>" /></div>
    </div><div class="line" style="background-color: #999999">
    <div>The format to output the RSS posts in:<textarea cols="40" rows="3" name="outputformat"><?=$arrForm[6]; ?></textarea></div>
    </div><div class="line" style="background-color: #cccccc">
    <div>How to join the posts:<input type="text" size="30" name="joinoutputby" value="<?=$arrForm[7]; ?>" /></div>
    <div><input type="submit" value="Submit" /><input type="reset" value="Reset" /></div>
    <hr width="50%" />
    <input type="button" value="Roganty's RSS Feed" onclick="populateForm('roganty')" />
    <input type="button" value="BBC UK News RSS Feed" onclick="populateForm('bbc')" />
    <hr width="80%" />
    <div id="outputTitle" style="text-align: center"><b>rssRead Output</b></div>
    <hr width="50%" />
    <div id="rssFeed"><?php
    /* This is where the magic happens!
     * we have now configured the output
     * now we can print out the RSS feed
    print $RSSread->RSSoutput();
    <hr width="80%" />

    und hier die rss_read.class.php

     * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Anthony K Rogers		*
     * CLASS: RSSread - Reads an XML RSS feed and outputs			*
     *  		    the posts formated with HTML			*
     * LICENSE: This is distributed and intended for free use as per the	*
     *	    GNU Public License. The only stipulation is that this	*
     *	    header must remain intact. For a copy of the GPL, please	*
     *	    go to			*
     * version 1.6								*
     * copyright 2006							*
     * Bug Fixes:								*
     * 4. Fixed a couple of calls to an array, and removed a call to an	*
     *    obsolete variable							*
     * 3. As in 2, but for the posts (1.5). Discovered by Luis		*
     * 2. Links not parsing correctly if they are not wrapped in		*
     *    <![CDATA[]]> tags in the feed (1.5). Discovered by Luis		*
     * 1. Fixed a typo which prevented new lines being shown in posts (1.4) *
     * Please note that this class is not ASCII Art safe!			*
     * and that most of the size of this file is comments			*
     * that are either required, or otherwise!				*
    //Not used. But it could be!
    define("VERSION_MAJOR", 1);
    define("VERSION_MINOR", 6);
    class RSSread{
    /* The values for the following variables may be 
     * changed by using the ScriptConfig() function
    var $rssFeed = ""; //URL for the RSS feed
    var $numPosts = 3; //The number of posts to output. -1 use all posts [default:3]
    var $whichOne = "s"; //Which format to use: s = Sentences; w = Words; c = Chars; n = None (use all the post) [default:s]
    //No - I don't know why there is three different variables that do the same job
    // I think it was so that I could change the type and not the number...
    var $numSentences = 3; //The number of Sentences to use [default:3]
    var $numWords = 40; //The number of Words to use [default:40]
    var $numChars = 200; //The number of Characters to use [default:200]
    var $stripLinks = false; //Whether to remove links from posts [default:false]
    var $postLinkTarget = "_blank"; /* The target to open the links in posts in, takes the same values as the target attribute in the <a> tag
    			        * If set to "" or "_self" the target attribute will be omitted from the <a> tag
    				* [default:_blank] */
    /* The following are not impletementd in this version
     * But they could be added at a later date
     * var $stripHTMLformat = true; //Whether to remove HTML formatting tags, for example <b></b> and <i></i> from posts [default:true]
     * var $stripIMGtags = true; //Whether to remove all IMG tags from posts [default:true]
     * var $stripHTMLtags = true; //Whether to remove all other HTML tags from posts [default:true]
    var $outputFormat = "<b>[title]</b>\r\n<p>[post]\r\n<font class=\"LinkReadMore\">[[link,target=_blank]read more[/link]]</font></p>\r\n";
    /* Anything in square brackects is replaced with appropriate values
     * Please note that only one "tag" is allowed
     * If more than one "tag" is included, only the first will be used
     * All other text is sent to browser as is
     * [title]: The Title of the post
     * [post]: The Post. This is a required "tag"
     * [link]...[/link]: Link to the post
     * For opening the link in a separate window or frame add ,target=[_blank,_parent,_self,_top,[name of frame]]
     * Defaults to opening in a new window
     * eg
     * [link,target=blank]opens in new window[/link] (default)
     * [link,target=parent]opens the link in parent frame[/link]
     * [link,target=self]opens the link in same frame[/link]
     * [link,target=top]opens the link in top frame[/link]
     * [link,target=mainpain]opens the link in the frame called "mainpain"[/link]
    var $joinOutputBy = "<hr width=\"65%\" />"; //HTML code that is attached inbetween posts
    /* The values for the following variables can not
     * be changed by using the ScriptConfig() function
    //Not entirly sure this is needed,
    // but it looks cool!
    var $ScriptErrorCodes = array(
    //Script Error Codes
    1=>"Configuration of script output is unsupported",//
    2=>"Variable cannot be set",//
    4=>"A [post] tag has not been defined",//
    8=>"Unable to load RSS",//
    16=>"Not an RSS document",//
    32=>"RSS version not Supported",
    64=>"RSS document does not contain a &lt;description /&gt; tag",//
    128=>"Unforseen option"); //
    /*var $httpStatusCodes = array(
    //HTTP Status Codes
    301=>"Moved Permanently",
    307=>"Temporary Redirect",
    400=>"Bad Request",
    404=>"Not Found",
    408=>"Request Timeout",
    500=>"Internal Server Error",
    503=>"Service Unavailable",
    504=>"Gateway Timeout");*/
    var $errCode = 0; //Good!
    //var $httpCode = 0; //Good!
    var $RSSparser;
    var $rssVersion = 2.0; //The version of the RSS document
    var $rssInfo = array(); //The title and link for the rss feed
    var $rssData = array(); //The rss data, array of the posts and the posts title and link
    //For processing the XML file
    var $curID = -1;
    var $inChannel = false; //in <channel>?
    var $inItem = false; //in <item>?
    var $isTitle = false; //is it <title>?
    var $isLink = false; //is is <link>?
    var $isDesc = false; //is it <description>?
    /* The main function
     * Not actually needed!
    function RSSread($confOutput=false){
     //Whether configuration is allowed or not
     $this->confOutput = $confOutput;
     //The version number
     $this->RSSreadVersion = VERSION_MAJOR .".". VERSION_MINOR;
    /* This function could be a security breach waiting to happen....
     * Function for configuring the script on a one-off basis
     * Takes an associative array as argument in format:
     * The variable to change as the key (no $ sign needed)
     * And the value to change it to as the variable
     * If this function is not required, it
     * can either be commented out or deleted
    function ScriptConfig($RSSconf){
     if( $this->confOutput ){
      //Following is a list of variables that can be changed
      $changeableVars =  "rssFeed|numPosts|whichOne|numSentences|numWords|numChars|stripLinks|postLinkTarget|outputFormat|joinOutputBy";
      foreach($RSSconf as $key => $val ){
       if( (strpos($changeableVars, $key)) === false ){
        //if unsupported var is found, we have two options:
        //#1 send an error and kill the script
        //#2 ignore this loop and go to the next loop
       }else $this->$key = stripslashes($val); //Added v1.5 to clean up html
     //notice no else!
     if(! $this->confOutput ){
      $this->confOutput = false;
      //we have two options:
      //#1 send an error and kill the script
      //#2 ingnore it and continue with the script
      //return false;
    /* function ScriptConfig() ends here */
    function RSSoutput(){
     //we need to check that a [post] tag has been defined
     if( (strpos($this->outputFormat, "[post]")) === false ){
     $gotPosts = $this->getPosts(); //returns array of posts
     if(! $gotPosts ) $this->errError(128); //just incase an error occurs
     $this->formatPosts(); //returns array of formated posts
     $outputPosts = $this->formatOutput($this->rssData); //returns array of posts formated with html code et al
     $outputString = implode($this->joinOutputBy ."\r\n", $outputPosts);
     return $outputString;
    /* Function modifies the $this->rssData array
    function getPosts(){
     $numPosts = $this->numPosts;
     $this->loadXML(); //loads the XML file into memory
     //we need to check for description tags in the required elements
     //error code 64
     if( $numPosts == -1 ){
      foreach( $this->rssData as $val )
       if(! isset($val["description"]) ) $this->errError(64);
      return true;
      $tmpArr = array();
      for( $i = 0; $i < $numPosts; $i++ ){
       if(! isset($this->rssData[$i]["description"]) ) $this->errError(64);
       $tmpArr[] = $this->rssData[$i];
      //There is propably a better way of doing this!
      $this->rssData = array();
      foreach( $tmpArr as $val )
       $this->rssData[] = $val;
      return true;
     return false; //just incase!! ;)
    /* Function  modifies the $this->rssData array with proper format applied i.e.
     * Remove links
     * Shorten the post to desired length
    function formatPosts(){
     $whichOne = $this->whichOne;
     switch( $whichOne ){
      case "s": $postLength = $this->numSentences; break;
      case "w": $postLength = $this->numWords; break;
      case "c": $postLength = $this->numChars; break;
      case "n": $postLength = -1; break;
     $stripLinks = $this->stripLinks;
     $postLinkTarget = $this->postLinkTarget;
     //we only need the posts from the array
     $tmpPosts = array();
     foreach( $this->rssData as $val )
      $tmpPosts[] = $val["description"];
     //First we replace all <li> tags with "\r\n* "...
     $tmpPosts = str_replace("<li>", "\r\n* ", $tmpPosts);
     // replace all <br /> tags with "\r\n"...
     $tmpPosts = str_replace(array("<br>", "<br />", "<br/>"), "\r\n", $tmpPosts);
     // and replace all <p> tags with "\r\n\r\n"
     $tmpPosts = str_replace("<p>", "\r\n\r\n", $tmpPosts);
     //Then we remove all tags apart from <a> tags (if applicable)
     for( $i = 0; $i < count($tmpPosts); $i++ )
      $tmpPosts[$i] = ( $stripLinks ) ? strip_tags($tmpPosts[$i]) : strip_tags($tmpPosts[$i], "<a>");
      //First we remove all <a> tags
     if(! $stripLinks ) $tmpPosts = $this->RemoveLinks($tmpPosts);
     //Then we shorten the post
     if( $whichOne != "n" )
      for( $i = 0; $i < count($tmpPosts); $i++ )
       $tmpPosts[$i] = $this->shortenPost($tmpPosts[$i], $whichOne, $postLength);
      //Then we put the tags back
     if(! $stripLinks ) $tmpPosts = $this->AddLinks($tmpPosts);
     //now we need to update the $rssData array
     for( $i = 0; $i < count($tmpPosts); $i++ )
      $this->rssData[$i]["description"] = $tmpPosts[$i];
     return true;
    /* Function returns the posts in an array with html formatting applied
    function formatOutput($arrPosts){
     $outputFormat = $this->outputFormat;
     //$outputFormat = "[title]\r\n<br />[post]\r\n<br /><font class=\"LinkReadMore\">[link]read more[/link]</font>\r\n";
     //Need to find the positions of the link "tag",
     // we also need the end "tag" aswell
     /* $link_matches with a target "attribute" in the link "tag". ie [link,target=blah]...[/link]
      * $link_matches = array(0=>array(
      * 0=>array(0=>"[link,target=blah]", 1=>0),
      * 1=>array(0=>"link,target=blah", 1=>1),
      * 2=>array(0=>"target=blah", 1=>6)
      * ), 1=>array(
      * 0=>array(0=>"[/link]", 1=21),
      * 1=>array(0=>"/link", 1=>22)
      * ));
      * $link_matches with a "normal" link "tag". ie [link]...[/link]
      * $post_matches =  array(0=>array(
      * 0=>array(0=>"[link]", 1=>0),
      * 1=>array(0=>"link", 1=>1)
      * ), 1=>array(
      * 0=>array(0=>"[/link]", 1=>9),
      * 1=>array(0=>"/link", 1=>10)
      * ));
     preg_match_all("/\[(\/link|link|link\,(.*?))\]/i", $outputFormat, $link_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER|PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
     $gotLinkMatches = (! empty($link_matches) ) ? true : false;
     $outputPosts = array();
     if( $gotLinkMatches ){
      $linkStartTagLength = ( $gotLinkMatches ) ? strlen($link_matches[0][0][0]) : 0;
      $linkStartTagPos = ( $gotLinkMatches ) ? $link_matches[0][0][1] : 0;
      $linkEndTagLength = ( $gotLinkMatches ) ? strlen($link_matches[1][0][0]) : 0;
      $linkEndTagPos = ( $gotLinkMatches ) ? $link_matches[1][0][1] : 0;
      if( count($link_matches[0]) == 3 ){
       //There must be a target "attribute" then
       list($null, $target) = explode("=", $link_matches[0][2][0]);
       $target = " target=\"" .$target. "\"";
     foreach( $arrPosts as $val ){
      $numPos2Rem = 0;
      $numPrevPos = 0;
      $tmpStr = $outputFormat;
      $tmpstrLen = strlen($outputFormat);
      $val_link = ( isset($val["link"]) ) ? $val["link"] : $this->rssInfo["link"];
      $val_title = ( isset($val["title"]) ) ? $val["title"] : $this->rssInfo["title"];
      if( $gotLinkMatches ){
       $strLinkStart = "<a href=\"" .$val_link ."\"";
       $strLinkStart .= ( isset($target) ) ? $target : "";
       $strLinkStart .= ">";
       $numPrevPos = ($linkStartTagPos - $numPos2Rem);
       $numPos2Rem += (strlen($strLinkStart) - $linkStartTagLength);
       $tmpStr = substr_replace($tmpStr, $strLinkStart, $linkStartTagPos, $linkStartTagLength);
       $strLinkEnd = "</a>";
       $numPrevPos = ($numPos2Rem + $linkEndTagPos);
       $numPos2Rem += (strlen($strLinkEnd) - $linkEndTagLength);
       $tmpStr = substr_replace($tmpStr, $strLinkEnd, $numPrevPos, $linkEndTagLength);
      if( ($pos = strpos($tmpStr, "[title]")) !== false ){
       $tmpStr = substr_replace($tmpStr, $val_title, $pos, 7);
      if( ($pos = strpos($tmpStr, "[post]")) !== false ){
      $val["description"] = preg_replace("/(\r\n)/", "\\1<br />", $val["description"]);
      $tmpStr = substr_replace($tmpStr, $val["description"], $pos, 6);
      $outputPosts[] = $tmpStr;
       //we need to throw an error if a post "tag" is not found
     return $outputPosts;
    /* Function loads the RSS feed into memory
    function loadXML(){
     if( $fp = @fopen($this->rssFeed, "r") ){
      $this->RSSparser = xml_parser_create();
      //xml_parser_set_option($this->RSSparser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
      xml_set_object($this->RSSparser, $this);
      xml_set_element_handler($this->RSSparser, array(&$this, "XMLstartElement"), array(&$this, "XMLendElement"));
      xml_set_character_data_handler($this->RSSparser, array(&$this, "XMLcharacterData"));
      while( $data = fread($fp, 4096))
       if(! xml_parse($this->RSSparser, $data, feof($fp)) )
        die( sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->RSSparser)), xml_get_current_line_number($this->RSSparser)) );
      //error code 8
    /* Function accepts an array of posts to remove the links from
     * It then returns the modified array
     * The AddLinks() function can be found after the shortenPost() function!
    function RemoveLinks($arrPosts){
     //We find all <a> tags and get the start and end positions
     //We then save that into an array
     /* Example output:
      * $postLinks[][] = array(
      * 0=>array(0=>"<a href=\"link\">text</a>", 1=>0), //The whole match
      * 1=>array(0=>"<a href=\"link\">", 1=>0), //The opening <a> tag
      * 2=>array(0=>"link", 1=>9), //The href="" match
      * 3=>array(0=>"text", 1=>15), //The text match
      * 4=>array(0=>"</a>", 1=>19)); //The end tag match
     $this->postLinks = array();
     for( $i = 0; $i < count($arrPosts); $i++ ){
      preg_match_all("/(<a.*?href=[\"|\'](.*?)[\"|\'][^>]*>)(.*?)(<\/a>)/i", $arrPosts[$i], $this->postLinks[$i], PREG_SET_ORDER|PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
      $arrPosts[$i] = preg_replace("/<a.*?href=[\"|\'](.*?)[\"|\'][^>]*>(.*?)(<\/a>)/i", "\\2", $arrPosts[$i]);
      //$this->postLinks[$i] = array();
      //$arrPosts[$i] = preg_replace("/<a.*?href=[\"|\'](.*?)[\"|\'][^>]*>(.*?)(<\/a>)/ei", "\$this->saveRemove('\\0', '\\1', '\\2', '\\3', '$i')", $arrPosts[$i]);
     //That was easy wasn't it!
     return $arrPosts;
    /* Function worked brilliantly
     * but i wanted the starting positon of the strings
    function saveRemove($matchAll, $matchLink, $matchText, $matchEnd, $i){
     $this->postLinks[$i][] = array($matchAll, $matchLink, $matchText, $matchEnd);
     return $matchText;
    /* Function accepts a string to be shortened ($strPost)
     * the method to shorthen the post ($shrtnHow)
     * and the length to shorten the post to ($shrtn2) [optional]
     * function then returns the modified post as a string
    function shortenPost($strPost, $shrtnHow, $shrtn2=-1){
     if( $shrtn2 == -1 || $shrtnHow == "n" ) return $strPost;
     $strPost = trim($strPost);
     //We want to keep the new lines!!
     //so we split $strPost by new lines
     $arrPost = preg_split("/\r\n|\n|\r/", $strPost);
     if( $shrtnHow == "c" ){
      if( strlen($strPost) <= $shrtn2 ) return rtrim($strPost);
       $arrLength = array();
       $strLength = 0;
       //loop throu getting the length of each element
       for( $i = 0; $i < count($arrPost); $i++ ){
        $arrLength[$i] = strlen($arrPost[$i]); //add the length to the length arr
        $strLength += $arrLength[$i]; //total up the lengths
        //when it reaches a certain length, halt it!
        if( $strLength >= $shrtn2 ) break;
       if( $strLength <= $shrtn2 ){ //if the lengths are the same, no processing is needed
        //glue it all back together again
        $strPost = "";
        for( $j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++ )
         if( empty($arrPost[$j]) ) $strPost .= "\r\n";
         else $strPost .= $arrPost[$j] ."\r\n";
        //trim, and return it
        return rtrim($strPost) ."...";
       if( $strLength > $shrtn2 ){
        //otherwise we need to remove a few characters from the last required array element
        //$numDiff = $strLength - $shrtn2;
        //get the length
        $num2Rem = $arrLength[$i] - ($strLength - $shrtn2); //$numDiff;
        //cut it down to size
        $arrPost[$i] = substr($arrPost[$i], 0, $num2Rem);
        $strPost = "";
        //glue it all back together
        for( $j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++ )
         if( empty($arrPost[$j]) ) $strPost .= "\r\n";
         else $strPost .= rtrim($arrPost[$j]) ."\r\n";
        //trim, and return it
        return rtrim($strPost) ."...";
     if( $shrtnHow == "w" ){
      //we need to split the array up by whitespace characters
      $arrLength = array();
      $strLength = 0;
      for( $i = 0; $i < count($arrPost); $i++ ){
       if( empty($arrPost[$i]) ){ //we can skip the empty elements
        $arrLength[$i] = 0;
       $arrPost[$i] = preg_split("/\s+/", $arrPost[$i], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); //split by whitespace, don't return empty elements
       $arrLength[$i] = count($arrPost[$i]); //get the Length
       $strLength += $arrLength[$i]; //Total up the lengths
       if( $strLength >= $shrtn2 ) break;
      $joinHow = " ";
     if( $shrtnHow == "s" ){
      //we've already split by new lines
      //so split the array by ".+/s" (a full stop followed by at least one whitespace)
      $arrLength = array();
      $strLength = 0;
      for( $i = 0; $i < count($arrPost); $i++ ){
       if( empty($arrPost[$i]) ){ //we can skip the empty elements
        $arrLength[$i] = 0;
       $arrPost[$i] = preg_split("/\.\s+/x", $arrPost[$i]); //split by a fullstop followed by whitespace
       //Just found a bug with this, if you have a list with "1." at the start, what happens?
       $arrLength[$i] = count($arrPost[$i]); //get the Length
       $strLength += $arrLength[$i]; //Total up the lengths
       if( $strLength >= $shrtn2 ) break;
      $joinHow = ". ";
     if( $shrtnHow == "w" || $shrtnHow == "s" ){
      //Now we need to glue it back together again
      if( $strLength <= $shrtn2 ){
       //Not much to do here!
       $i = ( $i > (count($arrPost) - 1) ) ? (count($arrPost) - 1) : $i;
       $strPost = "";
       //Loop through joing the elements together
       for( $j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++ )
        if( empty($arrPost[$j]) ) $strPost .= "\r\n";
        else $strPost .= implode($joinHow, $arrPost[$j]) ."\r\n";
       //retrun the string
       if( $strLength < $shrtn2 ) return rtrim($strPost);
       return rtrim($strPost) ."...";
      if( $strLength > $shrtn2 ){
       //Similar to above, just remove a couple of elements from the last array
       $strPost = "";
       for( $j = 0; $j < $i; $j++ ) //we don't loop through the last element
        if( empty($arrPost[$j]) ) $strPost .= "\r\n";
        else $strPost .= implode($joinHow, $arrPost[$j]) ."\r\n";
       //now we get the length of elements that we need
       $num2Rem = $arrLength[$i] - ($strLength - $shrtn2);
       //and then add them to the string
       $strPost .= implode($joinHow, array_slice($arrPost[$i], 0, $num2Rem));
       //return the string
       return rtrim($strPost) ."...";
    /* Function accepts an array of posts to add the links to
     * It then returns the modified array
    function AddLinks($arrPosts){
     //We use the array from the RemoveLinks() function
     // to put the links back in the same places
     $postLinkTarget = ( $this->postLinkTarget == "" || $this->postLinkTarget == "_self" ) ? "": " target=\"" .$this->postLinkTarget. "\"";
     $postLinks = $this->postLinks;
     for( $i = 0; $i < count($arrPosts); $i++ ){
      //If the post has no corresponding links, skip it
      if( empty($postLinks[$i]) ) continue;
       //Then we get the length of the string
       //If the length is less than the first tag position, we can also skip it!
       if( (strlen($arrPosts[$i]) - 3) < $postLinks[$i][0][0][1] ) continue;
        //Otherwise we add the tag, do a little maths and add the another tags
        $numPos2Rem = 0;
        for( $j = 0; $j < count($postLinks[$i]); $j++ ){
         $strNewLink = "<a href=\"". $postLinks[$i][$j][2][0] ."\"$postLinkTarget>";// .$postLinks[$i][$j][3][0]. "</a>";
         $numNewLength = strlen($strNewLink); //The length of the new link
         $numOrigLength = strlen($postLinks[$i][$j][1][0]); //The length of the original link
         $numOldStart = $postLinks[$i][$j][1][1]; //The original starting position
         $numNewStart = ($numOldStart - $numPos2Rem); //The new starting position
         //Stop the loop if the new starting position is after the end of the string
         if( (strlen($arrPosts[$i]) - 3) <= $numNewStart ) break;
         $numPos2Rem += ($numOrigLength - $numNewLength); //The number to remove to get the new position of the next link
         //Deep breath!
         $arrPosts[$i] = substr_replace($arrPosts[$i], $strNewLink, $numNewStart, 0);
         //The following is added to solve the "whole link reapearing if cut short" bug
         $numOldStart = $postLinks[$i][$j][4][1]; //The original starting position
         $numNewStart = ($numOldStart - $numPos2Rem); //The new starting position
         if( $numNewStart >= (strlen($arrPosts[$i]) - 3) )
          $arrPosts[$i] = substr_replace($arrPosts[$i], ".</a>", -1); //add .</a> at end of string
          $arrPosts[$i] = substr_replace($arrPosts[$i], "</a>", $numNewStart, 0); //add </a>
     return $arrPosts;
    /* Function that kills the script if an error happens
     * function accepts an error number
     * the messages that are connected to the error numbers
     * can be found at the top of this class in the variable
     * called $ScriptErrorCodes
    function errError($errNum=0){
     if( $errNum == 0 ) return true;
      die("\r\n<br /><b>Error Code: $errNum</b>\r\n<br />". $this->ScriptErrorCodes[$errNum] ."\r\n<br />\r\n");
    /* The start tags are passed to this function by the xml parser
    function XMLstartElement($parser, $name, $attrs){
    //we can check to see if an <rss> tag is present
    //error code 16 mabe 32
     if( $name == "rss" || $name == "RSS" ) $this->isRSS = true;
     if(! $this->isRSS ) $this->errError(16);//No <RSS> tag found, so it must not be an XML RSS file
     switch( $name ){
      case "rss" : $this->rssVersion = $attrs["version"]; break;
      case "RSS" : $this->rssVersion = $attrs["VERSION"]; break;
      case "channel" :
      case "CHANNEL" : $this->inChannel = true; break;
      case "item" :
      case "ITEM" : $this->rssData[] = array(); $this->curID++; $this->inItem = true; break;
      case "title" :
      case "TITLE" : $this->isTitle = true; break;
      case "link" :
      case "LINK" : $this->isLink = true; break;
      case "description" :
      case "DESCRIPTION" : $this->isDesc = true; break;
    /* The end tags are passed to this function by the xml parser
    function XMLendElement($parser, $name){
     switch( $name ){
      case "channel" :
      case "CHANNEL" : $this->inChannel = false; break;
      case "item" :
      case "ITEM" : $this->inItem = false; break;
      case "title" :
      case "TITLE" : $this->isTitle = false; break;
      case "link" :
      case "LINK" : $this->isLink = false; break;
      case "description" :
      case "DESCRIPTION" : $this->isDesc = false; break;
    /* Any data that is not part of a tag is passed to this function by the xml parser
    function XMLcharacterData($parser, $data){
     if( $this->inChannel )
      if(! $this->inItem ){
       if( $this->isTitle ){ /* Changed to fix a possible bug */
        if(! isset($this->rssInfo["title"]) )
         $this->rssInfo["title"] = htmlentities($data); //Add the RSS title to an array
         $this->rssInfo["title"] .= htmlentities($data); //Add the RSS title to an array
       if( $this->isLink ){ /* Changed to fix a possible bug */
        if(! isset($this->rssInfo["link"]) )
         $this->rssInfo["link"] = htmlentities($data); //Add the RSS link to an array
         $this->rssInfo["link"] .= htmlentities($data); //Add the RSS link to an array
      if( $this->inItem ){
       $curID = $this->curID;
       if( $this->isTitle ){ /* Changed to fix a possible bug */
        if(! isset($this->rssData[$curID]["title"]) )
         $this->rssData[$curID]["title"] = htmlentities($data); //Add the item title to an array
         $this->rssData[$curID]["title"] .= htmlentities($data); //Add the item title to an array
       if( $this->isLink ){ /* Thanks to Luis who spotted this bug - It is due to the way xml_parse() handles special characters like "&" (added the ".") */
        if(! isset($this->rssData[$curID]["link"]) )
         $this->rssData[$curID]["link"] = htmlentities($data); //Add the item link to an array
         $this->rssData[$curID]["link"] .= htmlentities($data); //Add the item link to an array
       if( $this->isDesc ){ /* Thanks to Luis who spotted this bug, and suggested a fix */
        if(! isset($this->rssData[$curID]["description"]) )
         $this->rssData[$curID]["description"] = $data; //Add the item description (post) to an array
         $this->rssData[$curID]["description"] .= $data; //Add the item description (post) to an array
    //The following two are not needed, but they look good!
    /* Function for RSS 0.9x versions
    function RSSv0_9(){}
    /* Function for RSS 2.0 versions
    function RSSv2_0(){}

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