ilch Forum » Ilch Clan 1.1 » Fehlersuche und Probleme » JoinUs mail leer

  1. #1
    User Pic
    Luna Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    0 Beitragspunkte
    Hab schon viel nachgelesen auch hier im Forum,etc etc . Aber irgendwie will es nicht klappen.
    Ich habe das join us verändert. Die PM kommt an ist allerdings ohne Text.

    Kennst sich damit jemand aus?

    betroffene Homepage:
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  2. #2
    User Pic
    mic_pt Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    19 Beitragspunkte
    na zeig doch mal was du verändert hast ... die Glaskugeln sind gerade aus zwinker
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  3. #3
    User Pic
    Luna Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    0 Beitragspunkte

    #   Copyright by: Manuel
    #   Support:
    defined('main') or die('no direct access');
    $title = $allgAr['title'] . ' :: JoinUs';
    $hmenu = 'JoinUs';
    $design = new design($title, $hmenu);
    if (0 == db_count_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_groups WHERE show_joinus = 1") ) {
        echo $lang['noteamthere'];
    $far = array (
    $x = 0;
    foreach ($far as $v) {
    	if (!empty($_POST[$v])) {
    		$$v = escape($_POST[$v], 'string');
    	} else {
    		$$v = '';
    $xname = escape_nickname($name);
    $ch_name = false;
    if (loggedin()) {
      $ch_name = true;
    } elseif (isset($_POST['sub']) AND $name == $xname AND !empty($name)
       AND 0 == db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_user WHERE name = BINARY '".$name."'"),0)) {
      $ch_name = true;
    if (count($far) <> $x OR $ch_name == false OR !chk_antispam('joinus')) {
    	$tpl = new tpl ( 'joinus.htm' );
    	$squad  = '<option value="0">choose</option>';
      $squad .= dblistee ($squad, "SELECT id,name FROM prefix_groups WHERE show_joinus = 1 ORDER BY pos");
      if (loggedin()) { $name = $_SESSION['authname']; }
      foreach($far as $v) {
    		if ($x > 0 AND empty($_POST[$v])) {
    			echo 'missing: '.$lang[$v].'<br />';
    		$tpl->set ($v, $$v);
      if ($x > 0 AND $name != $xname) {
        echo $lang['wrongnickname'].'<br />';
      } elseif ($x > 0 AND $ch_name == false) {
        echo $lang['namealreadyinuse'].'<br />';
      $name = $xname;
      $tpl->set('readonly', (loggedin()?' readonly': ''));
    	if ($allgAr['joinus_rules'] != 1) {
      } else { 
        $rules = '<h2>'.$lang['rules'].'</h2>';
        $rerg = db_query('SELECT zahl,titel,text FROM `prefix_rules` ORDER BY zahl');
        while ($rrow = db_fetch_row($rerg)) {
                $rules .= '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" class="border">';
                $rules .= '<tr class="Cmite"><td><b>&sect;'.$rrow[0].'. &nbsp; '.$rrow[1].'</b></td></tr>';
                $rules .= '<tr class="Cnorm"><td>'.bbcode($rrow[2]).'</td></tr>';
                $rules .= '</table><br />';
        $rules .= '<input type="checkbox" name="rules" value="'.$lang['yes'].'" />'.str_replace(array('<a target="_blank" href="index.php?rules">','</a>'),'',$lang['rulzreaded']).'<br />';     
      $tpl->set('ANTISPAM', get_antispam('joinus', 100));
    } else { # eintragen
      $name = $xname;
    	$userreg = $lang['no'];
      if (!loggedin() AND $allgAr['forum_regist'] <> 0) {
        $x = user_regist ($name,$mail,genkey(8));
        $userreg = $lang['yes'];
      db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_usercheck (`check`,name,datime,ak,groupid) VALUES ('".genkey(8)."','".$name."',NOW(),4,$squad)");
      $squad = escape($squad, 'integer');
    	$abf   = "SELECT `mod1`, `mod2`, `mod4`, name FROM prefix_groups WHERE id = ".$squad;
    	$erg   = db_query($abf);
    	$row   = db_fetch_assoc($erg);
      $rulz  = (isset($_POST['rules'])?$_POST['rules']:$lang['no']);
      # bitte in der richtigen reihenfolge angeben, sonst das nicht gehen tun, kann.
      $mailtxt = sprintf ($lang['joinusprivmsg'],
        # pm an den leader  
    	sendpm ($_SESSION['authid'], $row['mod1'], 'Joinus Anfrage',$mailtxt, -1);
      # Wenn Co Leader != Leader
    	if ($row['mod2'] != $row['mod1']){
    		sendpm ($_SESSION['authid'], $row['mod2'], 'Joinus Anfrage',$mailtxt, -1);
    	if ($row['mod4'] != $row['mod1'] AND $row['mod2'] != $row['mod4']){
    		sendpm ($_SESSION['authid'], $row['mod4'], 'Joinus Anfrage',$mailtxt, -1);
    	if (!loggedin() AND $allgAr['forum_regist'] <> 0) {
    		echo $lang['amailhasbeensenttoyouwithmailandpass'].'<br /><br />';
      echo sprintf($lang['leaderofxalert'], $row['name']);

    joinus htm

    <form action="index.php?joinus" method="POST">
    	<label style="float:left; width:100px;color:#FF0000; ">{_lang_joininfo}</label>
    <label style="width:100px;color:#FF0000; ">{_lang_Please, fill all fields correctly!
      <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Your real Name}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="name" /><br />
    	<label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Your Email}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="mail"  /><br />
    	<label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Do you have Skype? We could contact you much faster if you've been accepted!}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="skype"  /><br />
    <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_What's your Combat Arms Europe IGN}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="caeign"  /><br />
    	<label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Your Combat Arms Europe FORUM Name}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="caefn"  /><br />
    	<label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Enter your birthday}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="birthday"  /><br />
    	<label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Your Nationality}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="nationality"  /><br />
    	<label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Is that your first account?If not, explain why and tell us what are your previous IGN/s}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="firstacc"  /><br />
    	<label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Do you have previous banned accounts?If yes, explain why and tell us what are your previous banned IGN/s}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="bannedacc"  /><br />
    	<label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Do you have a YouTube account?If yes, paste link to your YouTube account}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="youtube"  /><br />
    	<label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Why do you want to join us?}</label><br /><textarea name="reason" cols="40" rows="5">{reason}</textarea><br />
    <label style="float:left; width:100px; ">{_lang_squad}</label><select name="squad">{squad}</select /><br />
    {EXPLODE}<label style="float:left; width:100px; ">{_lang_rules}</label><input type="checkbox" name="rules" value="{_lang_yes}" />{_lang_rulzreaded}<br />
        <label style="float:left; width:100px; ">&nbsp;</label><input type="submit" name="sub" value="{_lang_formsub}" /><br />

    lang. en.php

    'joinusprivmsg' => "Hello,\n%s wants to join %s.\n\ns/he provided the following data: %s\nYour Email: %s\nDo you have Skype? We could contact you much faster if you've been accepted!: %s\nWhat's your Combat Arms Europe IGN: %s\nYour Combat Arms Europe FORUM Name: %s\nEnter your birthday: %s\nYour Nationality: %s\nIs that your first account?If not, explain why and tell us what are your previous IGN/s: %s\nDo you have previous banned accounts?If yes, explain why and tell us what are your previous banned IGN/s: %s\nDo you have a YouTube account?If yes, paste link to your YouTube account: %s\nWhy do you want to join us?: %s\n\nAccepted the rules: %s\n\nHas been directly registered as a user: %s\nIf no, s/he has already been a user when the request was made.\n\nIn the Admins Area &raquo; Team you can either activate the user or delete the request. If s/he has been registered as a user, s/he might have to confirm the registration first (depending on the settings for the site).",
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.

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